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Let's meet at
Fraunhofer Fokus!

Join us in Berlin to explore how we enable seamless global real-time video streaming, driving business growth and audience engagement like never before.

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Let's meet at Fraunhofer Fokus!

Join us in Berlin to explore how we enable seamless global real-time video streaming, driving business growth and audience engagement like never before.

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Let's meet at Fraunhofer Fokus!

Join us in Berlin to explore how we enable seamless global real-time video streaming, driving business growth and audience engagement like never before.

Workshop - June, 11 @ 16:30
Challenges and solutions for interactive streaming -
a comprehensive approach

What do auctions, iGaming, townhalls, and live shopping applications all have in common? The need for sub-second latency to ensure real-time audience engagement. Join Oliver at his MWS workshop to explore innovative use cases for video streaming, the challenges these applications face, and effective solutions to overcome them.

Register to the event

Additional content to inspire you

Low Latency, High Stakes

When is prioritizing ultra-low latency a must, and what are the trade-offs of doing so?

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Video Latency in 2024
Ensuring a high-quality real-time experience for viewers across the globe is no easy feat. 

The hidden costs of building a real-time video platform

Which costs are involved to build a streaming platform?

Stream Protection
Learn how to protect your content and use analytics to secure your streams.

Ready to start streaming in real-time?

No credit card required. Get full access to the platform and API for 7 days.

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